Sunday, July 20, 2008

Amit Zoran's linear electronic engine motorcycle concept.

Via: ecofriend

"Designed by Amit Zoran, designer and an engineer in algorithmic image process development, here is a project that began as an attempt to design a two wheel vehicle with wheels that have the mobility to move around the center mass, so that they can be parallel (like a Segway)or in a row (like a regular motorcycle). Each wheel is powered by a linear electronic engine installed in the inside part. The idea was to design an innovative vehicle enabling one vehicle to contain both possibilities. In the project, he dealt with the design of a complex vehicle regarding esthetics without providing a detailed engineering solution, based on the assumption that the idea is a complicated one from an engineering point of view, but applicable.

During the work on the project and the examination of the gain and difficulty in realizing full mobility, it became clear that there is no theoretical justification for such a motorcycle. In the end, he created a motorcycle with a different design derived from an original idea. However it’s true that there is creativity in finding solutions for original developments, with an emphasis on engineering and design innovativeness."


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