Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2004 Lowrider Bicycle of the Year - Last Prophecy.

"It was in meritorious fashion that Mr. Isidro Juarez took the biggest piece of the cake at this year's Las Vegas, Nevada, Lowrider Magazine Super Show where the task was to crown the best and baddest lowrider bike in the country. Please join LRB in officially announcing to the world that Isidro's '71 Schwinn, "Last Prophecy," is the 2004 Lowrider Bicycle of the Year! The annual title goes to Isidro, his son, and his loving and supportive family.

Hold on to your handlebars because Isidro went way out of the country to have this bike hooked up and we don't mean down south in Mexico. The man behind the building of the frame and body is Junior Morales from the Philippine Islands. That's right, Isidro spun a world globe and came across the South China Sea to the Philippines where Morales is a Rollerz Only member. The dude often goes back and forth between L.A. and the islands. Two frames were shipped bare bones with open instructions to do something unique and wild, and what came back four months later was a close to 300-pound bare metal form. But could it win was the real question.

Isidro--part-owner of Hi-Tech Auto Interiors in San Antonio, Texas--specifically stated that for every year of competition, he has had a new frame and bike highly modified from the frame up. His first bike was built back in '98 when everyone was building tribute bikes to singer Selena and Isidro went with a remembrance to rapper Tupac Shakur. His next bike was "Prophecy I" followed by "Prophecy II" and "Prophecy III." Last Prophecy is the final word in finessed two-wheel superiority!"


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