Saturday, September 6, 2008

Monkey Electric's wheel lighting system.

Monkey Electric is inspired to help bikers stay visible - and not feel like second class citizens after the sun goes down. Monkeylectric LLC was founded by Dan Goldwater in 2007. Previously, Dan was a founder of Squid Labs and Instructables. Dan has been an avid cyclist for 20 years.
The MonkeyLectric m132s is a revolutionary bike light that keeps you visible - and in style. Its ruggedized all-weather design is perfect for daily commuters, urban cyclists, casual evening riders, BMX, festivals - anyone that wants to be visible after dark and not feel like a second class citizen.

The m132s creates full color graphics on your spinning bike wheel, and it provides outstanding visibility. The lighting effects and colors can be easily customized anytime to fit your style - mellow to extreme.

The m132s sets a new standard for bike lighting with brightness, visual quality, effects sophistication, user control and durability that far exceed what has previously been available. It installs in minutes on Road, City, Cruiser, Mountain and BMX bikes."


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