Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wild Child.

"Ed "Big Daddy" Roth (then friend of The Wild Child) eyeing the first known chopper before Roth's later "chopper" magazine career, built by Wild Child's Custom shop.
"James "Wild Child" Greene of the now world famous Wild Child's Custom Shop is heretofore recognized as the pioneer of the modern chopper design. Wild Child’s jumpstarted an American institution with its famous "It's a What?" magazine debut marking the beginning of an era at the same time as other friends later becoming "kustom kulture" celebraties of their own. Examples being, Sam/George Barris, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, Ray Fharner and others of the era. Based out of Kansas City, Missouri Wild Child’s captured the imaginations of what‘s become five decades of prominent American motorcycle culture."


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