Saturday, December 27, 2008

FYI Motorcyclist Retro Magazine!

A letter from Mitch Bohem that was posted on the Kawasaki Triples board. He's the editor of the recently discontinued Motorcyclist Retro. He writes:

Guys and gals

Thanks so much for the kind words. Yeah, I was bummed when they put it on ice. It was doing really well. Sold nearly 25K right out of the gate (issue one). We're waiting for issue 2 #s, but they're gonna be as good or better.

But now I have an opportunity to do the same concept myself, privately, and I'm going to do it. My plan is to sell single copies and subs directly to readers via my website (info coming soon), and also through selected bike shops around the country. Try looking at The Surfers Journal, the mag and the website. That's their biz model, and it works great.

So what I need is for this entire board to not only send me their email addresses ( so I can tell you when issue one will be available, but to talk up the magazine here and tell folks to subscribe when the time comes - this coming spring. That sort of promo will be the difference between make or break.

Anyway, hope all of you had a great Christmas, and that you're either riding or wrenching on them smokin' triples.

Best regards,

Motorcycle Retro


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