Friday, August 21, 2009

High Concept: Nils Poschwatta.

Nature is perhaps the prime as well as a vast source of motivation for designers worldwide. Drawing inspiration from “Creature Guard,” an institution that protects endangered animals and any kind of organism that needs help, German designer Nils Poschwatta has come up with (what they call) a freestyle design of a pilot and a bionic stingray for the Animal Race. Dubbed “Creature Guard Team 02,” the design depicts a fine tuning between the pilot and the vehicle. Though the ray is detachable and interconnects to the propulsion unit with its bio-morph grip, the design as a whole looks too hypothetical to see the light of the day anytime in the future. However, one cannot rule out the creativity and thoughts behind the project that creates awareness about endangered species."

Poschwatta has a series of impressive motorcycle designs as well, you can find them here

Via: The Design Blog


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