Monday, April 28, 2008

Music: The Fine Young Cannibals "Good Thing"

Via burningtheground

Fine Young Cannibals were a British band best known for their 1989 hits "She Drives Me Crazy" and "Good Thing". They were formed in Birmingham, England, by vocalist Roland Gift and former The Beat members David Steele and Andy Cox. Their name came from the 1960 film All The Fine Young Cannibals starring Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood.

"Good Thing" is a song recorded by Fine Young Cannibals. The song was their second number one, topping the Billboard Hot 100 on July 8, 1989.

The video features many scenes with motor scooters, both at rest and in motion as well as scooter culture. The scooters featured include stock scooters, as well as highly stylized scooters and minimalist cutdown scooters.


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