Saturday, April 12, 2008

When is a motorcycle not a motorcycle-or even a car?-Mazda Motonari MX

Via streamr
"The 2057 Mazda MotoNari RX is not so much a car you drive as a mobile suit you wear. Once the driver dons the MotoNari RX, he and the car become virtually indistinguishable. A suit worn by the driver is one interface through which the MotoNari RX can be controlled, while acceleration and turning are handled by two "armrest mounted control points". Handling appears to be influenced also by the driver's own body, which can lean into turns like a street luge racer. Mazda claims four omni-wheels can turn the MotoNari RX in any direction.

The Future According to Mazda: Cars in the future will be designed by Michael Bay and will look like limbs that have been blow off of a Transformer. The Mazda MotoNari RX, for instance, was inspired by Megatron's foot."


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